Category: Hockey Injury

Mason Raymond, Todd Bertuzzi – a tale of two Canucks

There’s no joy on Granville…

I received a call from Mike Bothwell of CKNW this morning. Mike was curious as to the legal implications of the game 6 hit by Boston’s Boychuck against Mason Raymond – in short he wanted …

Chilliwack School District Loses Grass Hockey Incident Appeal


Hey, teacher leave them kids alone.

B.C’s teachers will be scratching their heads after the release of the  B.C. Court of Appeal decision this week  in  Hussack v. Chilliwack School District No. 33 The court’s decision, for the most …

Hockey Injury Case Dismissed: Brain Injured Player Left to Fend for Himself

“Negligence: …the failure to use such care as a reasonably prudent and careful person would use under similar circumstances…”
(Black’s Law Dictionary)

Insurance companies, newspapers and “Tort reformers” love to bombard the public with reports of lawsuits that appear “crazy”.  …