Snowmobiling: Keep it Fun, Keep it Safe

It may be a bit late this year, but the winter snow has finally arrived, the toys are out, and I am once again reminded of the dangers that can be involved in snowmobiling.

We all know that it is important to put on a seat belt when getting into a car,  and that a person should not drink and drive.  However, for some reason not understood by me, these basic concepts fly out the window when it comes to getting on a snowmobile.

A snowmobile is a vehicle as defined by the regulations to the Motor Vehicle Act.

As such, operators of snowmobiles are obligated to comply with the terms of the Motor Vehicle Act and a person can be found liable for negligently driving a snowmobile.  While wearing a seat belt may not be required, driving with due care and attention is.

It’s time for people to start thinking about and applying these basic concepts.  All it takes is one bad decision that seemed harmless at the time.  That one bad decision can change a life forever.

Please, think before you jump on that machine after having a few drinks or racing down a back road.

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