Hot Coffee – The Movie
I read about this movie after it screened at the Sundance Film Festival. Almost everyone has heard about the infamous McDonald’s hot coffee case where Stella Liebeck sued the fast food giant after spilling hot coffee on herself. The case went “viral” to the delight of late night hosts who made a meal of Ms. Liebeck’s claim. Enter lawyer and now director and producer Susan Saladoff who through her movie is exposing the truth behind the claim and the “tort reform” movement in the United States. I think watching this movie will change a lot of people’s minds about Ms. Liebeck and open their eyes to the power of corporate America and its media allies.
“Hot Coffee” will premiere on HBO on June 27th at 9:00 pm. If you can’t watch it live, make sure to program your PVR’s. For more information on the movie you can visit the website: or visit the facebook site.
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