Archive for June 2011
Mason Raymond, Todd Bertuzzi – a tale of two Canucks
There’s no joy on Granville…
I received a call from Mike Bothwell of CKNW this morning. Mike was curious as to the legal implications of the game 6 hit by Boston’s Boychuck against Mason Raymond – in short he wanted …
ICBC’s Demystifier of Auto Insurance: Demystifying the Demystifier
Ouch. If you are a Canucks fan, last night was not a good hockey night! Thankfully, at least for this last go-round in Boston, we weren’t subjected to any more of Vicki Gabereau’s ICBC ads on top of it.
The …
Chilliwack School District Loses Grass Hockey Incident Appeal
Hey, teacher leave them kids alone.
B.C’s teachers will be scratching their heads after the release of the B.C. Court of Appeal decision this week in Hussack v. Chilliwack School District No. 33 The court’s decision, for the most …
“Seeing is believing?” ICBC, Soft Tissue Injuries and the Subjective/Objective Battle
My dad used to tell me that all the time. It seems to be a motto that has been adopted by insurance adjusters, as they don’t seem to …
Hot Coffee – The Movie
I read about this movie after it screened at the Sundance Film Festival. Almost everyone has heard about the infamous McDonald’s hot coffee case where Stella Liebeck sued the fast food giant after spilling hot coffee on herself. The case …